Ruderman & Roth, LLC
New Jersey Labor & Employment
Law Attorneys

Over 25 years of experience providing legal representation to businesses and
corporations in every facet of labor and employment law.

Employment Litigation

Hiring a skilled lawyer can impact the cost, duration, and outcome of a lawsuit. Our firm has successfully defended numerous employment claims in both federal and state courts.

Federal & State Employment Law

Our lawyers have the concrete experience and skill to handle even your most complex labor or employment law matter.

Workplace Training & Investigations

Employee training and prompt and thorough claims investigations minimize the potential for costly litigation and limit employer exposure in the event of litigation.

Employment Handbook Development

We assist with the development of employee handbooks, supervisory policies and procedures and conduct training designed to familiarize employees with employer policies.

Employment Contracts & Severance Agreements

Our employment lawyers have extensive experience in effectively drafting, reviewing and negotiating employment contracts and severance agreements, including restrictive covenants.

Collective Bargaining, Arbitration & Union Relations

A skilled legal team helps manage union demands, letting you focus on clients. Hire experienced attorneys for union avoidance or decertification support.

About Us

New Jersey
Labor & Employment Law Attorneys

Based in Springfield, New Jersey, Ruderman & Roth, has more than 25 years of experience providing legal representation to businesses and corporations in every facet of labor and employment law. We are a “pro-active” firm that pursues a progressive management advocacy philosophy.

Latest News

Rise in Employment-Related Immigration Enforcement

Four months into the new President’s tenure, the state of employment-related immigration is beginning to take shape. 

Rise in Employment-Related Immigration Enforcement

Four months into the new President’s tenure, the state of employment-related immigration is beginning to take shape. 

Rise in Employment-Related Immigration Enforcement

Four months into the new President’s tenure, the state of employment-related immigration is beginning to take shape. 

Contact us

To schedule a case evaluation with our legal team, submit the e-mail form below or call: 

Providing Solutions,
Not Just Answers

Ruderman & Roth, LLC

Ruderman & Roth, LLC
150 Morris Avenue,
Suite 206

Springfield, New Jersey 07081

Contact our Ruderman & Roth New Jersey labor law office today.


Email us for expert guidance and support.